To assist you completing your Butterfly/Pollinator Garden or area, we wanted to list the key host/nectar plants available here at Your Garden Center. Please talk with our Design Team of Molly, Sherry & Nancy if you have any questions. We thank you for your concern and effort to re-pollinate Coastal Alabama.
BUTTERFLIES: Lantana, Fennel*, Lavender, Gaura, Salvia, Confederate Jasmin, Cuphea, Cleome, Marigolds, Oregano, Sage*, Parsley*, Verbena*, Zinnia*, Butterfly Milkweed*, Cone Flowers, Penta, Milkweed, Lantana, Butterfly Bush, Black Eyed Susan, Black & Blue, Salvia, Mandeville, Blanket Flower, Angelonia
* These Plants serve as Host Plants for Butterflies
BEES: Basil. Geraniums, Lavender, Mint, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Verbena, Zinnia, Marigolds, Salvia, Angelonia
HUMMINGBIRDS: Begonias, Butterfly Weed, Geraniums. Petunias, Sage, Salvia, Shrimp Plant, Purslane, Lantana, Impatiens, Cleome, Dahlia, Penta, Phlox, Gaura, Strawberry, Lantana
Please note that not all varieties of plants are attractive to all the species of pollinators. Our Design Team will be able to assist you with most on this list.
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