Last week’s storm was traumatic for many plants and Gardens.  Did yours survive or do you need to refresh or enhance to get back to your Great Outdoors?  We have plenty of bedding plants available and you can still earn GC Mardi Gras Big Bucks.  Choose from trays of Pansies, Violas, Dianthis, Dusty Miller, Ornamental Cabbage and Kale.  Trays are available with 18 plants and are value priced @ $24.99.  You can Mix & Match plants and select only the plants and colors that you need.  And if your spend $75 or more on merchandise, you will earn $5 in GC Mardi Gras Big Bucks, good on your next purchase.  Sherry and Nancy will be available to help and answer any questions.

We are Your Total Care Garden Center.