This morning we are featuring more plants and flowers for your indoor decorating. Each are different can enhance the holiday look in your home. Cyclamen express feelings of love and sincere affection and is the perfect plant at this time of the year. Cyclamen is available in 3 colors: Red, Pink & White and White and we have plenty of great containers also available. Cyclamen make a great gift. Begonias will brighten up any room in your house with great colors of Red, Orange and Yellow. Begonias have different meanings and we favor the Begonias as a symbol of gratitude or respect. Begonias make great arrangements for your coffee table center piece. Rex Begonias with their variegated and rough appearing leaves make excellent companion plants to your holiday flowers. Rex Begonias are very easy to care which make them ideal at this time of the year. Visit with our Design Team and let create a wonderful arrangement or centerpiece for your holiday gathering. Like what you see? Please join us in Facebook for more great plants, arrangements and gifts.
We are Your Holiday Garden Center.